This is a true-life story.
About 20 years ago I found myself in a hospital room with a neurosurgeon staring down on me.
He said, “You are going to die.”
I said, “I know. So are you.”
Long story short, the brain tumour stopped growing (obviously!) and I am still here today, living until I die, just like everyone else.
It always puzzles me when people act like dying is an option.
Dying is absolutely inevitable.
Having your child die before you—the mind simply cannot accept that. It is not the natural order of things.
But none of that answers any of your questions about death, does it?
Okay, here’s the deal:
Once you die, you aren’t going to be all:
“Life was so beautiful.”
“I really miss it.”
“I miss it so much!”
“I want to be back!”
It will be over. Just like that. No worries. No memories. Nothing!
You will be in a “better place”—to me, sort of.
However, when people in your life die, you will miss them terribly and regret all the good things you didn’t do for them, or say to them.
Or those bad, bad, horrible things you did to them.
Your grief will take you to very dark places.
So stop wasting time worrying about your own death and show your loved ones how much you love them every single day.
Begin to do that now!
You will not regret it.
Yes the good book (Bible) said that we should do all that we can while we are alive because the dead are conscious of nothing at all.Eccl 9:9-10.
To die is gain n to live is for christ!