8 real reasons why fine people are often single

You might think the more attractive a person looks, the less likely that they’d be single. But the reality is often different and a surprisingly large percentage of people who are considered extremely attractive remain single. Or even never dated.

There are multiple stories of fine people sharing how they hardly meet people trying to start something long-term with them.

Amaka, a Black-British lady born to Igbo-Nigerian parents tells us:

“I don’t really see myself as that fine but I get called or described as that all the time. But I can confirm to you that it changes nothing. Abosultely. I have been single since 2020. That’s literally four years now, going on five. Of course, I would say I’ve been pretty picky myself [nobody wants to date just anybody, right?] but the thing, yeah, is the amount of serious advances you get — I mean the actual serious propositions. Zero. I tell you. Many of my friends are married or have something serious going on. I just carry the fine girl badge with no man at all.”

Amin, a mixed-race dancer from East London, says:

“It’s real. Very real. This girl I once got talking with told me no; they never going to date me because I was going to break their heart. She literally wasn’t even interested in trying. She just assumed because I’m attractive looking I’ll be a player and break their hearts! She fine with us just f**king but not dating. Although I’m currently not single but [it’s] never been easy dating. At all!”

Here are 8 real reasons why some people may not want to date an attractive person:

1. Intimidation

Extremely attractive people can be intimidating. Potential partners might feel insecure about their own appearance or worry they won’t measure up, leading to anxiety or self-doubt. Confidence is key when trying to date an attractive person. Always believe in your worth and qualities.

2. Perceived High Standards

There’s a belief that very attractive people have high expectations in a partner, which can create pressure or fear of not meeting those expectations.

3. Jealousy and Competition

People believe that attractive people often attract more attention from others. This can lead to increased jealousy, insecurity, or concern about competition from potential rivals.

4. Stereotypes and Assumptions

Some people might assume that extremely attractive individuals are more superficial, high-maintenance, or less committed to relationships. These stereotypes can deter potential partners. There’s also a perception that very attractive people might prioritize their appearance or social status more than other qualities, which could lead to a mismatch in priorities in a relationship.

5. Fear of Rejection

The fear of being rejected by someone who is very attractive might discourage some people from pursuing them, leading them to avoid the situation altogether.

6. Objectification

Some weird people are only interested in going to bed with fine people but never choose them as partners, often because they believe that many people will be interested in sleeping with them as well.

7. Trust Issues

People might worry that an extremely attractive partner will have more opportunities to cheat or that they will always be looking for someone “better,” leading to trust issues in the relationship.

8. Pressure to Maintain Appearance

Being with someone who is extremely attractive might make a partner feel pressured to maintain a certain level of physical attractiveness themselves, which can be exhausting or stressful.

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