by Al Klein
Responding to a parent who is concerned about her child becoming an atheist and looking for ways to effectively stop this from happening, American engineer, Al Klein, wrote down this tips:
“Your child was born not believing in any god, so what you mean is what is the best way to convert your child to your religion, and make sure he never leaves it.
1. If you’re Christian, NEVER allow your child to really read the Bible.
Reading the Bible is one of the largest causes of atheism.
If you actually take out time to read it, you start to question it. And then you start to question your faith. And before long you start to question the entire religion thing.
2. Indoctrinate your child into your religion from before the time he or she is old enough to remember – say by the age of 2-1⁄2 at the latest.
Bible nursery, then Bible school, all that stuff, where only the glamorous stories about your religion are told.
3. Instill an absolute dread of burning in hell forever if your child ever thinks of leaving Christianity.
Not being a Christian should be as unthinkable as being without lungs. One just absolutely cannot live unless one has lungs and one is a Christian.
In the end you’d have only raised a robot who is quite incapable of thinking rationally and standing up for him or herself, but who cares — so long as you saved your child’s soul!”
Al Klein is a broadcast engineer, electronic communications equipment designer, programmer and systems developer!