If you want to get a high-paid job as a security administrator, you should take the Microsoft MS-500 exam first. It is the only milestone that you need to pass to get the Microsoft 365 Certified Security Administrator Associate certification that actually will qualify you for the position of a security administrator. On the one hand, being in such a job role is stressful as you will need to ensure threat protection for all business processes. On the other hand, such a prestigious certification brings you a higher salary and a solid position in your team. Thus, the Microsoft 365 Certified Security Administrator Associate badge is exactly what you need to leverage your career. We have created this article to show you how much you can earn as a security administrator. We know how motivating a higher salary is. Thus, we did an independent investigation and gathered relevant information to tell you what you will do if you work in this position and how much you can earn in one year.
What Does Certified Security Administrator Do?
Indeed, a security administrator has a serious responsibility on his/her shoulders. First of all, you should be proactive enough to prevent any threats that can damage the company’s systems and interrupt business processes. Then, you will be responsible for managing Microsoft 365 processes as well as infrastructure and should be able to implement efficient solutions to secure the company’s databases and develop backups periodically to ensure data integrity and compliance governance.
Finally, you will work closely with an Enterprise Administrator and will become part of a team consisting of skilled professionals who know how to immediately detect threats. As you can conclude, your position will be highly respected inside any company. And if you manage to certify your skills, you will also be regarded as a valuable team member.
How Much Does Security Administrator Earn in One Year?
We checked Payscale.com and identified the salary range for a security administrator. The average annual payment for those specialists stays around $67k. Also, this website offers data on the annual salary for a junior specialist which is around $48k. But if you manage to add an international certification to your resume, your chances to get a better salary are considerably higher. Therefore, you can reach a payment of $94k for one year.
Are you curious to know which are the companies hiring skilled security administrators? We identified Lamar Advertising Co and Qualys, Inc. as some of the top players on the market looking for skilled security administrators. Their salary offers range between $50k yearly to a maximum of $98k. You can get all these and even more if you get access to proper training. The Microsoft website offers different training alternatives that can be supplemented by dumps to help you ace your skills in MS-500 test.
The Microsoft MS-500 exam is your winning ticket towards getting certified as a security administrator. You will need it if you want to stay updated with the latest security trends and get working opportunities in some of the most prosperous companies in the world.
Once you start working in such companies, the salary increase will also come. So, all you have to do is to start training for your forthcoming assessment. You can use the vendor’s test prep materials as well as dumps to leverage your skills and pass this exam without emotions.