Opening a new Whatsapp message notification and then seeing “This message was deleted” can be both strange and annoying. You can’t ask the sender to repeat what they had deleted – if they had wanted you to see it, they wouldn’t have deleted the message in the first place.
You can ask them, but whatever they are going to say will obviously be a lie too. Deleting a Whatsapp message is a way of taking back your words because it didn’t feel right, or came out wrong, or for any other reason. In most cases, the sender of the deleted Whatsapp message wants only one thing – for the deleted message to stay deleted.
But what if there is a way to read a deleted Whatsapp message without any need to contact the sender? In fact, the sender would be thinking their deleted message has eluded you while unbeknownst to them, you have the exact content of their deleted message in your palm.
Reading deleted Whatsapp messages on Android devices is a little easier. There are over a dozen apps that you can use to open already deleted Whatsapp messages on Android devices. But this is not the case with iPhones.
Reading deleted Whatsapp messages on iPhones
There is currently no app that you can use to easily read a deleted Whatsapp message on an iPhone. The apps that exist are usually complicated and rarely work.
Presently, there is only one easy method to read a deleted Whatsapp message on your iPhone. Follow the steps below to recover a deleted Whatsapp message on your iPhone:
a. Delete your Whatsapp app
b. Open App Store and re-install the deleted app immediately
c. Verify your phone number and log back in
d. You will see an option to restore your previous chats from backup. Once that is done, you can now view all your previous Whatsapp messages including the deleted message.
I dont see a reason why people should painstakingly look about for apps and at the end it wont work the way it ought to. Having been in a situation before where I felt I needed to get proof to show him that he had been cheating before he would allow himself to be removed from the house, basically i suspected that he uses the whatsapp app more and has a face recognition security attached to it.