The life of an Indonesian coffin builder named Josua Hutagalung has been transformed after a meteorite worth £1.4m (over 600 million naira) crashed through his roof.
Josua Hutagalung was working on a coffin next to his house when the space rock smashed through the veranda of his house located in Kolang, North Sumatra – a province of Indonesia.
The single stone, weighing 2.1kg, left a large hole in the tin roof and ended up buried 15cm deep in the soil beside the house.
The 33-year-old coffin-maker said the meteorite was still warm when he dug it up and touched it.
Meteorites are priced by gram with the cheapest pure-rock varieties fetching $0.50 to $5.00 per gram, and those with rare extra-terrestrial metals selling for up to $1,000 per gram.
Josua, who managed to dig the rock out, said the meteorite was still warm and partially broken when he touched it.
It is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old and is classified as CM1/2 carbonaceous Chondrite, an extremely rare variety – worth around $1.85million, or $857 per gram.
I found meteorite stone in the farm… Is stick with magnet and is contains iron and stone. 08160625376 is my phone number call for it.