James and Michaela Reece have been married for over 10 years but can’t have sex.
The devoted couple, who say they are as much in love as they were from day one, are physically unable to have sex due to a rare and painful condition Michaela suffers, called vaginismus.
While many married couples complain that their sex life has fizzled after a decade, Michaela, 38, said they were desperately waiting for theirs to begin.
“Imagine being with the one person you love but never being able to have sex with them,” she said.
“Every birthday, every anniversary, every new year that goes by means I still can’t be with my husband properly and it’s torture.”
Vaginismus is the term used to describe recurrent or persistent involuntary tightening of muscles around the vagina whenever penetration is attempted.
When a woman has vaginismus, her vagina’s muscles squeeze or spasm when something is entering it, like a tampon or a penis. It can be mildly uncomfortable, or it can be painful.
Vaginismus can disrupt or completely stop your sex life and can lead to distress, loss of confidence and relationship problems. It may even prevent you from starting a family.

James and Michaela only found out that something was wrong on their honeymoon because James had been waiting until marriage to lose his virginity.
“The first time we tried … it didn’t feel comfortable,” Michaela said. The next morning she woke with a painful infection that she kept from her new husband.
“I wasn’t going to let it interfere with finally being with Jimmy and I didn’t want to deny him the chance to know what sex was like,” she said.
After three years of misdiagnoses Michaela was finally told she had vaginismus, but no amount of medication has helped her conquer it.
“I’ve been embarrassed by it but I’ve reached a point where the loneliness and isolation has outweighed the embarrassment and I just have to talk,” she said.
“It is a hard thing to discuss but I have an amazing guy beside me that won’t give up.”
Navigating a sexless marriage and countless treatments has pushed the couple to their limit.
“Over the years I have offered to divorce him,” Michaela said.
“I offered everything I could because I felt guilty and didn’t want to stop him from having that experience but each time he was horrified.”
For James, nearly 35, being with anyone other than his wife was never an option.
“Michaela is the sort of person that even without sex I would rather spend my life with her,” he said.
The vagi-wave may help with this situation…see vagi-wave.co.uk
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Take a trip to Lagos Nigeria and meet Prophet TB Joshua.
Just an anointed touch from this man of God and your problem will be come history at once.
This will cost you nothing, just the love of God.
gimme a break! She needs to get medical attention not some witch doctor!!
Sound like someone need some compassion and tone down their inner Karen
Apostle Johnson suleman’s of OFM anointing is all u need and God will help u
It’s six long years passed since publication of the Post.
Isn’t it appropriate to have an update on it please
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You do not anyone else to touch you or Pray for your You may pray for yourself today in the Name and authority merits and blood of Jesus to Our Father in Heaven He loves you and He loves marriage He is the inventor of Sexual intimacy and the Creator of the Universe Genesis 1:1 , Genesis 2:24,25 John 3:16 Hebrews 11:6 By Faith, like Enoch you can obtain a unique blessing that no one else has experienced in their walk with God. Please just trust that His is faithful and able and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Luke 8:43-48 has an amazing story of the Faith of a woman who had a problem for 12 years and her Faith made the difference. God is waiting for you to exercise your Faith in Him today Hebrews 4:14-16
That’s true,,, I also wanted to say maybe they have never tried praying over,,, everything is possible with God
People People please