The most important things women want in men have nothing to do with good looks!

by Gloria Ezeh

Good looks can be a huge factor of attraction, but science is now saying that it is not as important as you may think when it comes to dating.

Studies have shown that women typically choose better-looking guys only for flings, and not long-term relationships.

According to different studies posted on American Sociological Review and the British Journal of Psychology, these 10 traits come before good looks when it comes to choosing a life partner for women:

1. Sense of humor

Any man that can make a woman laugh is definitely for keeps for most women. Scientists believe this might be because a good sense of humor is often associated with intelligence.

2. Altruism

For long-term relationships, women tend to prefer altruistic men who are kind and do good deeds.

3. Strength

Naturally, any show of strength by a man will get a woman hooked. Women seek security and there is no better way to get it than pairing with a mate with strength.

In more than one study, women have rated higher men who take heroic and sometimes primal risks. These include saving people’s lives, hunting for food, or playing with fire.

4. Expensive cars

In studies, women chose men posing in front of expensive cars or apartments over ordinary ones, possibly because they make the men appear rich.

5. Age

Studies have shown that most women seek men who are older than they are– even if just slightly — for dating and marriage.

6. Facial hair

Facial hair has been both an attraction and a repellent in different studies, however, more recently, surveys tend to favor the idea that facial hair does more attracting than repelling.

7. Playing hard to get

Older research concluded that people liked when other people liked them, but recent studies have found that “playing hard to get” could be an effective tactic. When men are unavailable, that might make women want them more.

8. Dog lover

A recent study just concluded that men who own dogs do better with the ladies than their peers who don’t!


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