The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management has given a new update regarding the verification email failure issue experienced by many of the beneficiaries trying to log on to the NEXIT portal.
Some N-Power beneficiaries have complained that they couldn’t complete their registration on the NEXIT Portal to access the empowerment options provided by the CBN because the verification emails were not sent.
A social media statement from the Special Assistant, Media and Publicity to the Hon Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, Nkem Ikem said the validation emails are sent in batches and urged affected beneficiaries to be patient as they will get the email.
Nkem Ikem wrote on Twitter on Sunday, December 13:
“For @npower_ng beneficiaries still awaiting their validation mail, you’ll receive it soon as mails are being sent in batches to prevent the https://nexit-fmhds.cbn.gov.ng/auth/login platform from crashing. No deadline yet so please wait patiently.”
I HV not been able to completion mine,help me out pls
Please my email was hacked by the hackers and am no longer using that email anymore how can I complete the register and unable to edit the email on the portal
The email I used then is not accessible, so what should I do to enable me apply for nexit npower
The password I used then is not accessible, so what should I do
The email address on my portal is no more accessible. I registered for nexitfmhds and I got this message from the screen” the verification mail has been sent to your email address”but unfortunately I couldn’t access my email address. What can I do to get this solve.
Please my email was hacked by the hackers and am no longer using that email anymore how can I complete the register and unable to edit the email on the portal
am having issue with my email; i culd not access it to get my link; though i still remember my log in info
Pls my LGA of residence and LGA of state cannot be updated so that I can successfully update my nexit form. When I click on d said LGAs, the different LGAs do not come out for me to select mine. I’ve tried severally with a laptop, even at nights to no avail. Pls help