Full biography of Nigerian-American model Fancy Acholonu and other facts about her

Who is Fancy Acholonu?

Fancy Acholonu is a US-born, Nigerian actress, model, and jeweler. Fancy was born in Los Angeles, to Nigerian Igbo parents from Imo State in Southeastern Nigeria.

Fancy Acholonu is also famous for being the fiancée of Nollywood actor, Alex Ekubo. The couple announced their engagement on May 3, 2021.

Fancy Acholonu’s full name is Chigozie Fancy Acholonu.

Full data profile of Fancy Acholonu

Full NameChigozie Fancy Acholonu
NicknameFancy Tracy
Age30 years (estimated)
Date of Birth1990
ParentsMr and Mrs Acholonu
State of OriginImo State
Marital StatusEngaged
CareerActress, model.
event coordinator, jeweler

Fancy Acholonu’s childhood and education

Fancy Acholonu was born in Los Angeles to Nigerian Igbo parents from Imo State. She is the third of six children.

Fancy Acholonu graduated from Downey High School, California, in 2008 and then proceeded to college. In 2012, she graduated from Los Angeles City College with a BSc. degree in Business Administration and Management.

She is also enrolled for a certification course in Event Management to become a certified event planner. Fancy Acholonu told Vovage LA that she plans to own an event company in the future.

Fancy Acholonu’s modelling career

Fancy Acholonu started her modeling career at the age of 16. She did both high fashion runways and commercials in her base, Los Angeles, and also in New York City. Fancy has also spent some time in Nigeria, working as a model.

Fancy owns a modeling and acting school called “The Fancy Kids” where she coaches young children aspiring to become models and actors.

Fancy Acholonu’s other businesses and companies

In addition to her modeling school, Fancy Acholonu has two other companies. One of them is a jewelry business called Zodiacaa.

Describing the company in an interview last year (2020), Fancy Acholonu said:

“Zodiacaa is a jewelry and accessories store for all things zodiac and astrology signs. It’s a store for everyone that has a zodiac sign which is everybody.”

The company first started as a jewelry brand but later expanded into apparel and accessories.

Today, Fancy Acholonu’s company, Zodiacaa, makes Zodiac sign apparel, iPhone cases, laptop cases, phone grips, T-shirts, etc., in addition to jewelry.

Fancy Acholonu as an actress

Fancy Acholonu has done some work as an actress. She appeared in an episode of the American comedy-drama series, Lethal Weapon, which ran for three seasons on Fox (2016 – 2019).

Some of Fancy Acholonu’s movies include:

  • Lethal Weapon (2016)
  • Running to Live, Living to Run (2015)
  • Gina’s Journey: The Search for William Grimes (2017)
Fancy Acholonu and fiance, Alex Ekubo – Instagram

Fancy Acholonu and Alex Ekubo

Fancy Acholonu is currently engaged to Nollywood actor Alex Ekubo and the two have announced that their wedding is coming up in November this year. According to reports, the two dated for nearly five years before Alex proposed.

Fancy Acholonu’s net worth

Fancy Acholonu’s current net worth based on calculated earnings from her businesses and other income sources puts it at around $350,000 (over N150 million naira).

Fancy Acholonu’s Instagram and Twitter

Fancy Acholonu’s Instagram handle is @fancyacholonu. Her Twitter handle is @fancyacholonu.

She is also on Facebook as Ms Fancy Acholonu.

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