Genital warts are caused by the Human papillomavirus (HPV). There are different kinds of HPV and not all of them cause warts.
Genital warts look ugly and can be uncomfortable but the good news is that they are caused by the low-risk HPV strains. There are HPV strains that cause more serious conditions like cancer, but genital warts rarely develop into cancer.
What do genital warts look like?
Genital warts look like small bumps on the skin. They may take the appearance of cauliflower and can appear either on the penis in men, vagina in women, and anal area in both genders. Warts are usually painless but can be unsightly and cause discomfort.
How are genital warts transmitted?
HPV is one of the most easily spread sexually transmitted infections. You can get HPV by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus. Not everybody infected with HPV can develop warts. You can have HPV and show no symptoms.

Condoms will offer some protection against an HPV infection but not this is not 100% guaranteed as the infection can be spread through skin-to-skin contact as well.
Some people will develop just one or two bumps of warts or a small cluster, while others can have a more serious case of the condition and develop a cluster of warts up to the size of a tennis ball.
How are genital warts treated?
There is currently no cure for HPV infection, but the symptoms it causes can be treated. The HPV strain that causes warts does not cause other serious diseases like cancer. If you have developed genital warts, you should simply get them treated and you will be fine.
How are genital warts treated in Nigeria?
Nigeria, like most parts of Africa, still operates a traditional society and people presenting symptoms of an STI are sneered at. This situation has led to a lot of infected people shying away from seeking treatment on time.
A warts infection may get worse if left untreated over a long period or if the person has other infections like HIV. It is also common for genital warts to disappear on their own without treatment.
The kind of treatment you need for your genital warts will depend on the seriousness of your condition, the kind of treatment available in your locality and what you can afford.
In Nigeria, warts are easily treated with three common ointments and drugs – imiquimod, podophyllin cream and trichloroacetic acid (TCA).
a. Imiquimod
Imiquimod comes in the form of a cream, mostly marketed under the trade name Aldara™. Imiquimod works by instructing your immune system to get rid of warts. Each time you apply the cream, it stimulates the immune system to release a number of cytokines, which focuses on eliminating warts and other weird growths on the skin.
Imiquimod is very limited in supply in Nigeria and getting the cream can be harder.
2. Podophyllin cream
Use of podophyllin resin or podophyllotoxin cream is the commonest way to treat genital warts in Nigeria. The resin is very effective in treating warts, especially anal warts.
Podophyllin is easily available in most pharmacies and drug stores across Nigeria. You can buy this drug over the counter, but you may need the help of a doctor to apply it. Podophyllin resin is a cytotoxic agent that works by killing wart cells so they eventually die and drop off.

Podophyllin resin can hurt when applied. You should cover the exposed skin around warts with petroleum jelly (Vaseline®) before applying the resin and be careful to apply only on the warts tissue and not spill over other areas of skin.
NOTE: You should not use Podophyilin to treat internal warts that are deep inside the rectum or vagina.
Apply podophyllin twice daily for 3 days and then pause for four days. If all warts have not fallen off, you can repeat treatment.
c. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
A solution of 60 – 90% of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) has been found to be effective in treating small lesions of genital warts. TCA is not used to treat large and serious cases of genital warts. It can be used for both warts that appear inside the vagina and anal area.
Apply a small amount of TCA on the wart tissue and leave until a white frosting occurs. Repeat application every week for up to 6 weeks, until warts are gone.
You can easily buy 85% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) in pharmacy or skincare shops around Lagos, Nigeria. Asides genital warts, TCA can also be used to treat skin tags and moles and remove tattoos.
Cryotherapy for genital warts in Nigeria
For serious cases of genital warts, I would advise you to go for cryotherapy. During cryotherapy, liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the warts and they fall off.
There are many clinics in Lagos that offer cryotherapy services and other treatment for genital warts.
Hello, Please where can I find cryotherapy services and other treatment for genital warts In Lagos, can you give examples?
Nice one. I find this article very insightful and wish I found this article before using the podophyllin paint I got
However, my experience is a mixed one with pain and happiness. I’m happy to know that the GW are gradually going off but the painful part is that my scrotal skin is peeling as well. I’m in pains and I’m thinking of going to the hospital.
Anyone with same experience please and how was it handled?
You probably misapplied or over-applied the resin. Stop further application immediately and allow your skin to heal. It will probably take some days. Dress the wound with pure petroleum jelly to promote healing and prevent scarring.
Podophyllin only need to be applied three or four times and then you allow the warts to die and clear off. Applying Podophyllin to parts like the scrotal sac can be tricky due to the skin folds. To prevent the resin from getting on normal skin, coat all surrounding skin with petroleum jelly and apply Podophyllin only on the warts, preferably using the tip of a cotton bud.
send me a message I’ve the same +2349077438198
You can have it done at most private hospitals in Lagos though it can be more expensive. You should check LUTH if you are on a budget because it is certainly going to be cheaper there.
My kid brother did his cryotherapy at Reddignton clinic I think. You can also check Havana clinic in Surulere.
Any idea of the price?
Shouldn’t be more than 10K but the problem with private hospitals is their high first time consultation fee, sometimes up to 30K.
Will be better if you have HMO. If you are warts are small, you can also just buy podophyllum cream and treat it with it. You can follow the instructions and apply it yourself. Your warts will die and fall off and after a few days you would have healed completely.
You may only need to apply the podophyllum cream thrice or four times and then wait for the warts to die and fall off.
Be aware that the cream can burn your skin so you should be careful to apply it only on the warts and not normal skin. For extra care, use vaseline to cover the skin around the warts before applying podophyllum cream.
Please how much for the podophyllum cream?
Pls suggest any of the hospital in Pprt Harcourt and where I can get the imiquimod aldara. Thanks
This is the second week running now, the podo cream hasn’t burnt off the warts. This makes 6days of application. 3days of fist week and then 3days of second week. All I feel is a burning sensation and still nothing.
How is your condition now?.
It is the same for me. Used for 2weeks, that’s 3days in each week. Just felt a burning sensation and discovered the warts got bigger and multiplied. After a month, I tried again, same thing. What can I do?
I got the podopyllin cream too, I will like to ask how effective is it? Cuz I have used it for two days n nothing is happening, I didn’t even feel anything
Podophyllin cream for warts costs between N2500 and N3000 in Nigeria. Not all drug stores will have it so you should try a few, especially those ones old in business.
Please I need answers , I’m having warts around my vigina and it’s itching me and it irritates me as well … please what should I do
Will pain relievers help with the pain from Podophyllin?
Just came across this post. No…the pain with Podophyilin is not like a headache that you take paracetamol for.
The resin literally burn the warts and kills them off. Just make sure the cream touch only the warts and not other skin area. You can use Vaseline to cover other areas around the warts before applying Podophyilin.
The pain is biting at first but goes away soon enough. Within 3 days, your warts should have died and within 5 to 7 days you should be fully healed like nothing happened.
You may only need to apply the podophyilin cream twice and then just allow the warts to die and heal up.
I have been using podophyllin for some time now. Recently I noticed around growths around my clitoris n inside my vagina, labia minora. Please what do i do?
Pls where can I get those drugs in Enugu..
Pls someone should tell cus this gential warts of a thing is seriously killing
I’ve been using podophyllin more than a month now no improvement.
The podopyllin cream I’m using is not effective, used it twice for two days yet nothing seems to change. What should I do?
Pls where can I get the cream in Lagos
Which hospital is the best in freezing genital warts of over 2years in Nigeria
I have it in my anal region
which of them can I use please 🙏
Any idea where it can be done in Enugu or eastern region
Please where can I get imiquimod aldara in Port Harcourt and can you refer me to any good hospital in hospital that treats wart
Do not use Podophyilin to treat internal warts that are inside the rectum or vagina. If you must do that, let a professional do the application for you. The tip of a cotton bud can be used to apply the Podophyllin ONLY on the warts. The best treatment to use for warts that are inside is cryotherapy (freezing) or TCA (Trichloroacetic acid).
Also, be sure that what you have is genital warts and not another type of growth. Warts usually have a cauliflower look (refer to the front image of this post). If you cannot identify genital warts yourself, you can seek the help of a professional.
Please I got podophyllin paint. I’ve been using it once a day for 2 days now and some of the warts are now whitish while others are still dark. Can I use it twice daily especially on the dark warts and is it normal to feel pain from the warts after using the drug? Hope to hear from you
Do one more application and stop. The warts whether white or dark will clear in the coming days. They are already dead.
The wart on my scrotum rubbing my thigh is open with a sore and a foul smell. It really hurts badly… I can’t stand or walk properly. Is this normal please?
Yes, it is normal. Give it a few days, it will heal and you will be alright. Do NOT apply the podophyllin again. Let your sore heal and you will feel okay. You can coat the wound with petroleum jelly to facilitate healing.
Thanks a lot bruv
How is it now?. Please share your experience. Thanks
Where can I get my watt removed in Lagos Nigeria I don’t feel comfortable seeing seeing it no pain sha but I feel it’s spreading
Hey guys somebody help me….I went to buy podophyllin off counter at d pharmacy in Kano but they refused to sell it for me….where can I get it easily in Kano or Jos? Thank you
I have been using podowart paint fr two days now twice a day n now my warts re painful n peeling, the skin around my vaginal area hurts n looks white n feel sore though I coat them with petroleum jelly before applying podowart. What can you say about this?
How much did u get the podowart paint
I got the podowart paint for 4500 naira. It’s very effective but the pain associated with it is a little unbearable. My warts cleared up like it never was there. But after one month it came back I’m using podopyllin cream now fr three days n no results? Does it mean the cream is not effective or what??
A quick question
Without all this burning creams is there any other method that works
Yes but it takes longer, Tea tree oil use it mixed with olive oil.
Use tea tree oil… If you can’t withstand the pain… Mix with coconut oil.. You can use it in the morning after bath and in the evening before going to bed… The downside to this is it takes time to clear off.. But the wart doesn’t reoccur
Am done with the full tube of podophyllin cream ..i only got a soft sore sensation and that was all ..the wart is still there no changes ..what should i do next ? Get another cream or what? Please i need an asap reply pleaseeee
Just noticed mine a few days ago whitish and forming sores and it itches please I need help
You can use garlic, tea tree oil or green tea extract, if Podophyllin doesn’t work for you. Be careful to research how to use these things before applying any to your skin. These are natural remedies.
I was diagnosed of HERPES Virus in 2018 and I have tried all I can to get cured but all to know avail.
The Problem with my own genital wart close to my vagina is that once I get it treated and the wound heals, it will grow back after 2 weeks. But if it is for the treatment, I get rid of the wart completely, but it keeps growing back after 2 weeks.
Is there any remedy to this?
Please I need help. I noticed a hard white growth around my vagina entrance, it’s itchy sometimes but doesn’t look like cauliflower. Please am not sure if its genital warts, if it is, please givee the name of a good hospital in port Harcourt and how much the test and treatment of symptoms might cost.
Can someone use shaving powder since using shaving stick makes the warts to spread more?
Also the podophyllin cream doesn’t work for me, what should I do?
Please am in Enugu Nigeria where can I get a good hospital to treat wart
Podowart is very good but pains like hell. If you have mind Sha, go for it. Result is superb
Can you please send a photo of it so I can know the exact one to get
Just endure the pain and always coat with petroleum jelly or Shea Butter.
Good luck
Hi Please, where can I buy all the medications listed here in Lagos. I need it urgently, please. Please kindly respond to me PLEASE. Thank you
Please what do I take to end the tingling sensation inside the penis? And also my back itches hard sometimes, my upper arms, my groin and my stomach all itch sometimes. Please most important is for the uncomfortable tingling and itches to stop immediately, any help Please, thanks.
Good morning sir am from Nigeria in Port Harcourt, I have this genital warts and i used podophyllin cream, today is the third day, am feeling pains around the warts but is still there please what should I do
“I was very sick for a long time. I went to many doctors and was either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. I got sicker and sicker. When I arrived at Dr. Azuherbalhome with my wheelchair and crutches, I thought I had Fibromyalgia and Arthritis. Turns out it was Lyme and co-infections, (HERPES) which Dr. Azu was diagnosed on my first visit. I committed to doing all treatments and lifestyle changes recommended. Back home, I continued my natural herbal supplements given to me by Dr. Azu and ozone therapy. I got worse before I got better as all the bad stuff cleared out. After 3 weeks I could walk 2 miles! Now, I feel better than ever and continue to improve. Dr. Azu gave me the tools to maintain my health for the rest of my life. I trust this place with my life and thank him for helping me get my life back.” – Heather.
Email: dr.azuherbalhome@gmail.com also on Whats App
I got genital herpes from my ex-boyfriend, I didn’t notice any symptoms or outbreak while with him.
Anyone diagnosed with HPV needs to be careful not to fall into any of these online traditional-medical doctors who will just take your money and render you empty help.