A video showing a Nigerian boy vandalizing his mother’s kitchen while she stood watching caught the attention of millions of Nigerians yesterday.
The boy in the video now identified as Chidera Jedidiah or @chxdeks on Twitter lives with his parents in Ireland.
In the video, Chidera is seen opening foodstuff in the kitchen and throwing them all over the floor.
Chidera’s mother, explaining what happened in the video, said he came home and started demanding some things from her, including a P-21 passport. The woman said Chidera went into a rage when she didn’t give him what he asked for.
Chidera Jedidiah in a series of tweets posted through his Twitter account has shared his own side of the story.
According to Chidera, his actions in the video was not because of any “disagreement” or “passport”. Chidera said that he’s known his mother to be very abusive, aggressive and violent all his life.
Chidera said he has endured a lot from her and that he had had to put his mattress to the door for fear of his mother attacking him in his sleep because she frequently threatened him.
Chidera said he had tried talking with his mother about her behaviour but she always insisted on following the “Nigerian culture” and would go into aggressive fits.
Chidera said social workers got involved when his mother kicked him out and the altercation in the video happened when he moved back home and tried to make things work with his mother, but the peace could not last.
Chidera said on the day of the fight, he had asked for his passport to fill out college applications but his mother wasn’t cooperative so he went to look for it in the room and then his mother attacked him.
Chidera said he broke a few things when his mother could not stop attacking him and he could not fight her back.
Chidera said he was “provoked” into vandalizing his mother’s kitchen when she threw pepper at him.
He wrote: “She took powdered pepper and threw it in my face… and while I was still disoriented she grabbed a moping stick and repeatedly beat me with it … she then grabbed me and bit me.”
Chidera, who said he feels nothing but pure disgust and hatred for his family because of the way they treated him, added:
“After this vicious attack she then proceeded to call the three adults featured in this video, her exact words were ‘You better get here before I kill Chidera’ They were there in the next 5 minutes. I had to take off my t-shirt and soak it and put it on my face to cool the pepper.”