by Daniel Nkado

I’ve always wondered what the driving force is about bleaching creams…
I never truly understood it.
Before I wrote Ola, I thought it was fair people who should have more issues with their skin and not the other way round.
I thought bleaching creams should scare people, like they do me.
That if there ever was going to be a rush for creams with skin-changing properties, that it would be for darkening creams instead—if they exist!
But my aunt kept discarding creams because, according to her, it darkened her!
‘Nnaa, try this one,’ she would say, ‘it will help lighten you a little.’
According to her, I’m a bit too dark for someone as cute as I am.
So I ask this question now, how dark is too dark??? And, is this range gender-dependent?
When should I discard this cup of cocoa butter here and grab myself some Maxi-White?
Or is it Ultra-Wash they call it?
Meanwhile, if you are still presently dark and proud, grab yourself a copy of Entangled and read and understand why I think beauty is way beyond the color of your skin.

I love my men to be dark and tall, but not much muscles abeg
I love tall dark, tall and handsome. Dark being the operating word.
Black is beauty indeed!
Dark is the real color!