Full biography of 2Face’s second-oldest daughter Isabella Idibia and other facts about her

Isabella Idibia/Instagram

Who is Isabella Idibia?

Isabella Idibia is the second oldest daughter of award-winning Nigerian musician, 2Face Idibia (also known as 2Baba) and his wife, Nollywood actress Annie Idibia.

Isabella Idibia was born on December 10, 2008. She is the first daughter of 2Face Idibia’s legal wife, Annie Idibia (nee Macaulay). Isabella Idibia has a total of 6 siblings – one direct sister named Olivia and 5 half-siblings from 2Face Idibia’s previous relationships.

Full data profile of Isabella Idibia:

Full nameIsabella Idibia
Age12 years
BirthdayDecember 10, 2008
State of originBenue State
Parents2Face and Annie Idibia
Marital statusSingle
CareerChild actress, teen model &
Social media personality

Isabella Idibia children and education

Isabella Idibia is currently attending senior secondary school.

Isabella’s parents, Annie and 2Face Idibia, had her 5 years before they got married in 2013. Isabella Idibia’s father, 2Face, has a total of 7 children from three different women.

Isabella Idibia with her mother, Annie Macaulay-Idibia/Instagram

Full list of 2Face Idibia’s 7 children:

1Isabella IdibiaFemaleAnnie Idibia
2Olivia IdibiaFemaleAnnie Idibia
3Zion IdibiaMaleSumbo Ajaba
4Nino IdibiaMaleSumbo Ajaba
5Justin IdibiaMalePero Adeniyi
6Innocent IdibiaMalePero Adeniyi
7Ehibenzy Rose IdibiaFemalePero Adeniyi

2Face Idibia’s oldest daughter

2Face Idibia’s oldest daughter is Ehibenzy Idibia who turned 14 last year. She is one of the three children 2Face Idibia had with Nigerian makeup artist, Pero Adeniyi.

Isabella Idibia’s career

Isabella Idibia is a child actress and model. She appeared in the Africa Magic family drama titled “Mr X Family Show” alongside veteran actor, Richard Mofe Damijo as her onscreen dad.

Isabella Idibia on Mr X Family Show


Isabella Idibia has also signed endorsement contracts with reputable Nigerian companies. In 2018, Isabella was made the ambassador of Walk4Kids, a yearly charity event aimed at creating a healthy environment for growing children in Nigeria.

Isabella Idibia is also a social media personality. She has over 65K followers on Instagram and counting. Isabella Idibia’s official Instagram handle is @officialisabelidibia2.

Isabella Idibia with her younger sister, Olivia Idibia

Isabella Idibia’s net worth

Isabella Idibia is one of the top 25 celebrity kids in Nigeria. Based on available data, Isabella Idibia is currently estimated to be worth over N20 million.

Other interesting facts to know about Isabella Idibia

Isabella Idibia is quite a precocious kid. At just 11, she has grown taller than her mom. Actress Annie Idibia shared on social media that her daughter has grown taller than her.

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