Full biography of American comedian Jean Robert (Splack) and other facts about him

Who is Jean Robert (Splack)?

Jean Robert is a popular American comedian, actor, dancer, and content creator, better known as Splack.

Splack has amassed a good amount of social media following and reputation through his hilarious comedy skits.

With millions of followers across Instagram and Facebook, Jean Robert (Splack) has fashioned out an additional career as a brand influencer.

He has received multiple endorsement deals and carried out promotional campaigns for different brands.

Jean Robert (Splack) has collaborated with several other American comedians in his skits, such as the likes of King Bach, King Vader, Anwar Jibawi, Ninamarie Daniele, Blameitonkway, etc.

Despite his bubbly onscreen personality, Jean Robert (Splack) leads a quiet life outside his career, and doesn’t share much about his personal life online.

Full data profile of comedian Jean Robert (Splack)

Full NameJean Robert Toussaint
Stage nameSplack
Age35 years old
BirthdayJanuary 18, 1986
Marital StatusSingle
CareerActor, Comedian,

Jean Robert Splack’s childhood and education

Jean Robert (Splack) was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

His birthday is January 18, 1986, and he is currently 35 years old. Other information regarding Splack’s family and childhood is not available yet.

It is known that he attended Second City Improv School, Florida and bagged a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Florida A&M University, Florida.

Jean Robert (Splack) relocated to Los Angeles, California after his college education. He later also acquired a Master’s degree in Film/TV from New York Film Academy.

Jean Robert Splack’s career

Jean Robert has built a thriving career for himself in comedy and acting. He has been passionate about entertaining people since he was a kid.

Jean Robert (Splack) gained fame on the Vine app after one of his skits went viral, earning him over 660 billion likes and 920K followers. 

Unfortunately, the Vine app was disabled in 2017 and Jean had to stick to Instagram and Facebook for his content. He currently has 1.3 million followers on Instagram and over 900K followers on Facebook. 

Jean Robert (Splack) has collaborated with other popular internet content creators for content, including the likes of Alicia Gordillo, Candice Craig, Antje Utgaard, Nicole Olivera, and DeStorm Power.  

Jean Robert (Splack) is also an actor who has featured in a number of movies and series, including: “Happy Hour”, ‘Wal-Bob’s”, among others.

He was recently featured in a video series titled “Caught”. The show has had over 400 million views, making it the most-watched short-form series on the internet.

Jean Robert Splack’s movies and series

  • JustKiddingFilms (2007)
  • King Bachelor’s Pa (2012)
  • Wal-Bob’s (2014)
  • Happy Hour (2016)
  • Soundwave (2018)
  • Sober Coach (2019)
  • My Online Valentine (2019)
  • Netflix Dreams (2021)

Jean Robert Splack’s relationship and girlfriend

Jean Robert (Splack) has been quite secretive about his relationships and dating profile. As of the time of writing this biography, Jean Robert (Splack) has not revealed any woman as his girlfriend or wife.

His fans have also in the past raised questions about his sexuality, if he is gay or straight.

There were once rumours that Splack and actress and model Nicole Olivera, are dating. The rumours were probably stirred by the two constantly collaborating in comedy skits together.

Jean Robert a.k.a Splack’s net worth

Based on current information about Jean Robert (Splack)’s earnings and income, his net worth is estimated at $500,000.

He reportedly charges an average amount of $3,000 – $4,000 for sponsorships. 

Jean Robert Splack on social media

Jean Robert is active on social media. His Instagram handle is @splack. His Facebook page is Splack 19.

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About Oladapo Deborah

Deborah Abiola Oladapo is a first-class graduate of English from McPherson University in Ogun State. She is a seasoned writer and published author with interest in creating content that inspires.

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