They say that not the place makes the man, but the man makes the place. But it is comfortable to live and work in so many places. The world is too diverse to spend your whole life in one country. So, where can you go to study and work if you are a student?
7 Most Popular Countries for International Students
If you are going to go abroad, study and find a job there, then you should consider the following list of the best countries for international students recommended by professional essay writers from SmartWritingService.com:
7. China
China can boast of the rapid development and internationalization of higher education, investing huge funds in the development of the industry at the state level. This year, six Chinese universities entered the top 100 best universities globally at once, confirming the country’s significant progress.
In China, you can study all existing subjects. Moreover, international students are offered studies in English, modern living conditions, and numerous scholarships and grants. In addition, the combination of high quality and accessibility of local higher education plays an important role.
6. The USA
The USA confidently leads in the number of universities included in the Top 100 best universities in the world QS World University Rankings. There are as many as 30 US universities in this ranking. Moreover, the American Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) leads the entire ranking.
The most popular student cities in the US are California, New York, and Texas. In contrast, the most popular subjects among foreign students studying in the country are engineering, business and management, mathematics, and computer technology. Students are attracted by the high quality of education, exciting student life, and extensive employment opportunities in the USA. At the same time, the American education system not only meets all world standards but often dictates them itself.
5. Norway
Students from all over the world come to Norway for a European-level education. A huge plus is that you can get an education in this country free of charge regardless of your citizenship because the state budget fully funds the country’s educational system. Therefore, the only possible fee for international students is fees of 30-60 euros per semester.
The country has 8 universities and 36 colleges (16 are private). The most popular universities are the University of Oslo in the capital and Bergen and Stavanger. The University of Oslo has brought up many minds, and five graduates of this educational institution are Nobel laureates.
4. Germany
Germany is the most popular and demanded non-English language educational destination in the world. Moreover, in recent years, Germany has challenged the academic superiority of Great Britain in Europe. Many students have already preferred studying in Berlin and other large cities.
The popularity of Germany among foreign students is explained quite easily. There are many leading universities. Three of them are in the world’s Top 100. Studying at state universities in Germany is free, and accommodation will be relatively inexpensive. You may not even have to learn German because many English-language programs are offered to attract foreign students every year.
3. Canada
Studying in Canada is still less popular among students than studying in the neighbouring USA. Still, it is a very picturesque country with stunning nature and a state with a developed education system. Four universities are included in the world’s Top 100.
The Canadian cities of Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Quebec are home to the best universities in the country and home to many students worldwide. As a result, life in Canada is usually cheaper than in the USA, and getting into local universities is also easier.
2. France
Recently, Paris was recognized as the best student city in Europe. It is not surprising. There are several eminent universities — the Higher Normal School of Paris, ParisTech, and Pierre, and Marie Curie University. Students have access to a developed academic environment and an interesting metropolitan life.
Other French cities are not far behind, attracting thousands of foreign students every year. Among the undoubted advantages of local education are centuries-old academic traditions and history, the availability of English-language programs at all levels, and the low cost of education.
1. Australia
The state ranks sixth in the world in terms of territory and is known for excellent career opportunities and high-quality higher education. Offering a variety of courses in areas such as engineering, administration, architecture, media, business, communications, and the arts, Australia is rightfully on the list of popular study abroad destinations.
An additional positive moment should be considered the research centers of Australian universities located in several countries in Southeast Asia, the Near and Middle East, Africa, and Europe.
Studying abroad attracts students from all over the world. What attracts young people to such an experience? It allows them to see the world, get a quality education, and expand career prospects. Many students choose to study abroad to develop their language skills, live away from home, and travel before joining the ranks of serious adults.
Before deciding to leave to study abroad, get acquainted with all aspects of life in a foreign country. Take into account the factors that will allow you to build a successful career: the level of teaching of selected academic programs, the university’s rating among employers, the level of graduate salaries, and much more.