You probably have been wondering why the hashtag #benefitboys has been trending all day on Twitter?
Well, here is the real gist.
The hashtag began trending after a group of SS3 boys who call themselves ‘Benefit Boys’ took to social media to flaunt their Mercedes Benz and iPhones they acquired during the coronavirus lockdown.
While schools were closed and other students were forced to stay home, Benefit Boys obviously used the opportunity to make money – lots of it.
The ‘Benefit Boys’ shot a short comedy video where they chased their physics teacher out of their Benz car.
As depicted in the video, the boys had earlier accepted to drop him home but on discovering his house was very far, they stopped him on the way and asked him to get down.
Reactions to the activities of the ‘Benefit Boys’ have kept Twitter busy for several hours.
Below is a video of an alleged Benefit Boy disrespecting her teacher in class: