Mum claims she saw ‘face of Jesus’ in her vegetable, refuses to cook it

An English woman has stirred attention in her neighbourhood after she claimed she spotted a face that looks like Jesus Christ in a vegetable she wanted to cook.

The 34-year-old mum of two named Shaunagh Roberts refused to cook the vegetable after sighting the “holy image”.

She instead called over her children Jack and Michael Harper (14 and 10) to show them her discovery at their home in Waltham Abbey, a suburban market town in Essex.

Ms Shaunagh said:

“I was taking out the sprouts, topping and tailing them, and putting a cross on the bottom. When I saw the face I remember thinking ‘oh my God, it could be Jesus’ what with it being so close to Christmas. I didn’t have the heart to cook him so I left the sprout in a corner cupboard and he just sat up there for a little while.”

Shaunagh Roberts, 34, from Waltham Abbey, Essex.

She added:

“I thought it was funny and it was even funnier because I found him just before Christmas. When I saw the face I shouted to the kids ‘look, I don’t know if it’s Johnny Depp or Jesus’. I’m not particularly religious, I’d describe myself as very open, I enjoy exploring all elements of people’s religions and beliefs so I’d probably describe myself as spiritual. I said to my friends ‘I wished for Johnny Depp for Christmas and I got him at the bottom of a sprout’.”

Ms Shaunagh said she trashed the Brussels sprout in the recycling bin after some days and it started looking less like Jesus Christ.

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