The Ukraine Government has announced it is setting up an “International Legion” that will allow citizens of foreign countries including Nigeria to join the fight against Russia.
Foreigners can come and “fight side by side with the Ukrainians against the Russian war criminals,” President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a statement on Sunday, February 27, 2022.
Part of the statement which is also available on the presidential website reads:
“Anyone who wants to join the defense of Ukraine, Europe and the world can come and fight side by side with the Ukrainians against the Russian war criminals.”
It added:
“A separate subdivision is being formed of foreigners entitled the International Legion for the Territorial Defense of Ukraine. There is no greater contribution which you can make for the sake of peace.”
Before the release of the official statement on Sunday announcing the “international recruitment program”, President Zelensky of Ukraine already said at his press briefing on Saturday morning:
“Every friend of Ukraine who wants to join Ukraine in defending the country, please come over. We will give you weapons. It will be announced very shortly, how this can be done. Everyone who is defending Ukraine is a hero.”
Ukraine’s “international recruitment program” appears to also be backed by law.
According to the Regulations on Military Service in the Armed Forces by Foreigners and Stateless Persons, approved in 2016, foreigners can volunteer for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Territorial Defense Forces.
I’m interested to go and join ukraine to fight, just tell me how to get there or connect me am willing
The issue of Ukiraine and Russia is real critical. As they are part of one another and there is misunderstanding in between them, I think the rest of the countries all over the world doesn’t need to support one or the other in continuation of fight but to help settle it amicably.
If we should be supporting one country or the other, it may lead to World War. Because the most World power countries will wanted to extend their support to be in counter one another, by so doing the War will started. In this case, let there be mediation of the conflict rather than going to War for peace to reinning within the World.
I’m Razak Ali I’m interested to join Ukraine to fight side by side against Russia I can fight and more than willing to die fighting
Am interested
What is the process of registering
Im a Liberian I really want to help Ukraine in the process how can I be recruited?
my brother wants to travel to ukraine to fight. u people will be held responsble if anything happens to him
I have interest in fighting for Ukraine
am interested from nigeria
I am interested…
Am interested
I am ready and interested in joining Ukraine to fight against Russia
I’m interested to join Ukraine army in the ongoing recruitment, how do I get started please, is better to die in Ukraine battle field than to die of hardship in Nigeria
Am interested and am in Nigeria
I saw a screen shot of your heading. You cannot imagine the rage it is causing because of the underlying racial discrimination going on currently against black people desperately trying to leave.
Why use NIGERIANS in your caption, why not use internationals since that is the focus of your content.
Why labeling and causing more harm and tension?
Media is a powerful and yet you do not know that your heading should correlate with your content because not everyone might come to read up your content..
The process of joining is for one to go to the Ukraine embassy in Abuja , meet with the defense chief of Ukraine in the embassy and make your volunteering intentions know.
And due process while take place immediately
Please am ready to join Ukraine please locate me this is my contact 07043738187
Me and three of my friends are interested and where in Nigeria
I’m for Sierra Leone this my a.kamara46@gmail.com I’m interested I’ve work in Iraq I’m Baghdad
I volunteered to fight side by side with Ukrainian soldiers cuz “I’m against molestation and wants to defend Ukraine against Russian’s attack.
I’m interested from Ghana
I’m interested from Ghana Accra, West Africa
M interested
Am in 100% ready to join Ukrainian Army
I am Charles, ready and willing to fight to defend Ukraine.08063468631
I have the link to apply online.
Contact me (email marked as spam and likely dangerous)
I’m interested to help.
I’m from Liberia.
My contact# +231888150866, anything contact me on Whatsapp
I will volunteer to join they army 🪖🪖 fight and I believe in fighting for justice ⚖️⚖️
I am Richard Ice from Nigeria, I am fully ready to join Ukraine army. Please how can I go about the process
I my name’s Adejor Usman from nigeria I want fight for justice and peace for my friendly Ukrain
I’m john udegbe from nigeria and I’m fully intrested in fighting for ukraine if you want to contact me this is my number and email address 07042481238 udegbechukwuemezie5@gmail.com
No sane person in the world will stand and watch what Russia is doing and will not help Ukraine. I am a Nigerian and I am ready to go and join the people of Ukraine to fight for peace, justice and for humanity. How can I go about it please.
I want to fight for Ukriane.
I’m madly interested in joining Ukraine to fight till I fight no more, I’m so speechless I wish I have a way to come up there, sometimes hit the wall because I’m so angry 😡😡
I am really interested to fight along the Ukraine army how do I join or register.
Am interested how do I join
To the Africans that are foolish enough to want to sign up in order to go to Ukraine and become cannon Fodder in a war that has nothing to do with them is they value their own lives first and instead pick up a book on the history of West Africans that fought for Europe during World War 1 and 2 and I will state to them that exactly what happened to those Africans then, is what they can expect now.
Why is it that so many Africans are brainwashed with the hand-me-down narrative of colonisers that they will readily believe that even the worst of Europe is better than even the best of Africa? Understand this: that there is no citizenship in Ukraine waiting for you and there is no equal treatment waiting for you there either, the same Africans that are rushing to sign up for Ukraine will not even fight for their own own societies inside Africa- but you waste your lives being expendable cannon Fodder for those who look down upon you.
And this mindset is why the world so often laughs at Africa. 🙁
Pathetic and disgraceful.
Delete the spaces and hear Dynast Amir tell it on YT.
https: //www. youtube.com/watch?v=8_J8F3pF-RQ
My name is Sunday I am ready to die for Ukraine I just wish they will take me as one of their army
Am in treated to join Ukraine Army
Am willing to fight for Ukraine contact me 08081117962
`I join the Freemasonry society at a very young age, (25 years) I always dream to work in one of the biggest companies in my country, with my qualifications and degree it will take years before getting the position I wanted then,the own of the company was a member of the Freemasonry society, because of that I got the job and the position I desire, I was paid the highest salary then, after many years, I am 36 years old, I am very wealthy I have my own companies and business around the world, the Freemasonry society has help me to achieve all this, been a freemanson give you the knowledge and information you need to achieve that big dream contact the Freemasonry supreme lord on below details WhatsApp number:+31685113264 email address :hanmelchersfreemasons323gmailcom
Mr. Andrew Thompson
Only a fool will join those who have treated us with disgust and have continually shown us they prefer their dogs to us Africans. The fight is not our fight, let them kill themselves and flatten their civilisation. Maybe the world can rest from their imperialism and treatment of other races as second class. The US and NATO have been involved in a lot of atrocities, forcefully changing regime, causing millions of lives in their selfish quest for resource control and world domination. Their hegemony is coming to an end