The portal for the 2020 Nigeria Survival Fund initiative is open for interested Nigerians to register.
What is the FG’s 2020 Survival Fund initiative?
Survival Fund is a conditional grant to support vulnerable Micro and Small enterprises in meeting their payroll obligations and safeguarding jobs in MSMEs from the shock of the COVID- 19 pandemic.
The payroll support scheme is estimated to save at least 1.3 million jobs across the country while targeting an average of 35,000 individuals per state.
Nigeria FG’s Survival Fund program provides three categories of support:
a. Payroll Support
Aimed at supporting 500,000 vulnerable MSMEs in meeting payroll obligations of between N30,000 to N50,000 per employee over 3months.
b. Formalisation Support
Aimed at providing free CAC Business Name registration for 250,000 new businesses.
c. General Grant
Aimed at supporting the survival of 100,000 businesses most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with N50,000 each.
Registration for Payroll Support Scheme has commenced.
Find the timetable for registration of the payroll support category below:

Steps and requirements for registering for Nigeria FG’s 2020 Survival Fund MSME Payroll Support:
You will need the following for your Survival Fund registration:
- An internet-enabled device
- CAC registration certificate. If your business is not yet registered, consider waiting and applying for the formalisation support program where you can become one of the 250,000 new businesses that would get a free CAC Business Name registration.
- Your date of birth is needed
- Your BVN is needed
- Your phone number
- A working email address

Step 1: Personal registration
Begin your application by visiting the Survival Fund website – SurvivalFund.Ng and scrolling down or you can go directly to the application portal – SurvivalFundApplication.Com.
Register your personal details to start the payroll support application. Instructions at the top of the form will guide you on the required fields that need to be filled to complete the initial registration.
Step 2: Activate your account
You will receive an activation code on the mobile number and email address you registered with. You will need this code to activate your account. Please ensure you have access to the phone number or email address you will register with in order to complete your initial registration.
Step 3: Organisation registration
After you have successfully activated your account, you will need to login and register your Organisation. To complete this stage, you will need your CAC Number, SMEDAN Number, Tax ID (optional) and the organisation’s bank account details.
Step 4: Completing the payroll support application
You will receive an email address on the list of requirements needed to complete the application. These include the beneficiary employees details (not more than 10 employees), proof of previous salary payments to the beneficiary and all other supporting documents.
I need a help
I need ahelp
How can i register?
i need this program
I am happy to be a business man
How can I register survival fund 28/septem
Eje poultry farmers
I’m a business man
I’m a business man i need half
i hv done
How can i register my business
Please some body help me out.
Why I applied my own but still no any response