Not many know this but Nigerian Law actually prohibits witchcraft and juju practice.
According to Section 210 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act, anybody guilty of offences related to witchcraft in Nigeria is liable to up to two years imprisonment.
Section 211 of the Act also outlaws any behaviour by community chiefs that permits or encourages unlawful ordeal and use of prohibited juju worship.
However, a Nigerian legal practitioner told DNB Stories Africa that “cases of witchcraft are often the hardest to prove in Nigerian courts”.
Read the full law on witchcraft in Nigeria below:
Section 210 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act states:
Any person who –
(a) by his statements or actions represents himself to be a witch or to have the power of witchcraft; or
(b) accuses or threatens to accuse any person with being a witch or with having the power of witchcraft; or
(c) makes or sells or uses, or assists or takes part in making or selling or using or has in his possession or represents himself to be in possession of any juju, drug or charm which is intended to be used or reported to possess the power to prevent or delay any person from doing an act which such person has a legal right to do, or to compel any person to do an act which such person has a legal right to refrain from doing, or which is alleged or reported to possess the power of causing any natural phenomenon or any disease or
epidemic; or
(d) directs or controls or presides at or is present at or takes part in the worship or invocation of any juju which is prohibited by an order of the President or the Governor of a State; or
(e) is in possession of or has control over any human remains which are used or are intended to be used in connection with the worship or invocation of any juju; or
(f) makes or uses or assists in making or using, or has in his possession anything whatsoever the making, use or possession of which has been prohibited by an order as being or believed to be associated with human sacrifice or other unlawful practice,
is guilty of misdemeanour and is liable to imprisonment for two years.
Section 211:
Any chief who directly or indirectly permits, promotes, encourages or facilitates any trial by ordeal
which is unlawful, or the worship or invocation of any juju which has been prohibited by an order,
or who knowing of such trial, worship or invocation, or intended trial, worship or invocation, does not forthwith report the same to an administrative officer,
is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for three years.
The offender cannot be arrested without a warrant.
Nigeria is not the only country where witchcraft is prohibited. Other countries where witchcraft is illegal include Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Chile, Mexico, and even Canada.
In Saudi Arabia, witchcraft is punishable by death, as of 2020.