Written by Ruby Butz

According to the UN Refugees statistical data, the crisis in South Sudan has created one of the worst scenarios to create a flow of refugees. The majority of those who are doing their best to escape the country are women and children. Since they are the most vulnerable, they need mental and physical help which also includes education.
Unfortunately, the violent attacks, abuse, and numerous cases of sexual assault lead to many children who are also traveling alone as they get to the United States and the EU countries. The children and youth that arrive from South Sudan are malnourished, frightened, and weak. There are also shortages of food, diseases, and extreme levels of stress. It is exactly what makes education barely possible in the classic method, let alone the technology’s use.
Problems in Obtaining Education for Sudanese Refugees
- Mental Issues and PTSD.
The worst challenge in obtaining an education is the lack of mental abilities to fit within the classroom or pass the entrance exams. It is also related to being able to write a personal letter or talk about the violence that has been experienced in the past. It places Sudanese refugees in a special niche where they remain alienated and confused. Since every second refugee from Sudan is suffering from PTSD, dealing with homework alone or studying in a group becomes a major problem. One of the solutions is the presence of a trained psychologist and a special educator who will help a refugee student to become enrolled or settle down the conflicts or various academic challenges.
- Possible Language Challenges and Communication Issues.
The most common problem is the presence of a language barrier for those who are not native Sudanese or who have not learned English. There are also poor communication issues. Although one can use English among Sudanese and offer the same written tasks, it won’t help those who do not have any prior English language skills. Even the proofreading aspect and grammar can bring up a problem. The only solution to achieve help is to find top essay writing services where a Sudanese refugee can ask for help and receive an explanation or editing online. It can help boost the confidence of a refugee learner without placing a strain on the educational institution.
- Physiology and Healthcare Issues.
Another problem in obtaining an education is the set of healthcare issues that are related to physiology. Some refugees need special care and recovery before they can start with education. The same can be said about homework duties and individual tasks. Likewise, there are specific learning challenges that are related to the years of physical abuse where a special educator in the classroom must be present. The specifics in terms of physiology require relevant adjustment of schedules, where the healthcare and irregular sleep patterns must be considered. In simple terms, Sudanese refugees require the creation of a special classroom where various types of medical assistance can be offered.
- Sociocultural Factor.
This aspect of being a refugee is often ignored as students are represented with a classic curriculum or the books that must be studied. The social environment is not created per se and the cultural factor is taken as the general issue. It makes it challenging for Sudanese students to get their tasks personalized, as they wish to add something related to their background and fail. As a solution, one may take time to read essay service reviews and find an expert who will assist with creative writing or grammar assistance. No matter what kind of online help is being offered, even a bit of personal guidance will help to make a refugee feel connected to the task.
- Lack of Classroom Support.
The worst problem these days with the education for refugees is the creation of classes where people from all over the world are doing their best to learn English and cooperate with each other. Such classrooms are generic and offer no flexibility or understanding that you may be dealing with a Syrian who has already visited the primary school or a student from Sudan who had no prior education per se. The lack of classroom support and the presence of another educator pose a major educational issue.
- Delivery of Unified Educational Standard.
Since there is often no educational standard that would fit the refugees from different countries or cultural communities, people often face language learning problems. Let’s assume that we are dealing with Germany, Italy, or the Netherlands where English is not an official language. Considering the lack of proper learning, reading, or writing skills, it is quite challenging to deliver a textbook or multimedia presentation to start learning. It shows that a unified standard must be created that would be able to fit all the cultural points of the Sudanese refugees.
The Lack of Community Spirit
The most common problem with education and Sudanese refugees is that Sudan is a transit country where you have refugees from different lands who also speak various languages. The culture and education levels in Syria and Yemen are completely different when compared to Eritrea or Ethiopia. Since the refugees from Sudan also include these countries, there is no community spirit that could be created easily if you have a group of people who share the same past and linguistic abilities. Therefore, it is also affecting the levels of education and the bits and pieces of knowledge that the refugees may already have. As one explores the problems in obtaining education among Sudanese refugees, it is essential to create sociocultural groups that are related to helping the refugees survive and help each other as they learn.
About the writer:
Ruby Butz is an explorer who studies the world’s cultures, music, entertainment, and education. Her posts provide it all – from educational challenges to social media business management, and music tips for future artists. Follow Ruby to learn new things and achieve personal and professional career growth.