Miss Seyitan Babatayo, the lady who accused Nigerian music star Dbanj of raping her in 2018, has released a press statement, detailing the current situation of things.
In the statement, Miss Seyitan Babatayo maintained she was raped by Dbanj on the 30th of December, 2018.
She wrote:
“30th December 2018: D’banj gained access into my hotel room at past midnight while I was asleep. He violated and raped me.”
She wrote:
“16th June 2020: Four (4) armed policemen stormed my apartment, and arrested me without a warrant. They seized my phones, other personal effects and detained me in the police cell overnight at IGP – IRT Office at Harold Shodipo, Ikeja.”
Seyitan said she was later released from detention through the help of a journalist who raised the alarm of her arrest and detention.
She said she was made to sign a gag order by the police and Dbanj’s team and can only post on social media what has been approved by Dbanj’s team.
Seyitan also said she was taken to an unknown location on June 18, 2020, by Dbanj and his team where she was “isolated from family, coerced, pressured and intimidated in person by Dbanj and his team to retract all statements and to announce that my testimony was a publicity stunt.”
She said help came through some friends and wellwishers who tracked where she was being held with the use of satellite mapping.
Seyitan said Dbanj and his team have continued to harass her with increscent calls and boasting that Dbanj can “buy off anyone within the justice system in Lagos.”
Seyitan concluded her statement by thanking everyone for supporting her and donating money for her legal fees.
Take a look at copies of Miss Seyitan Babatayo’s press statement about ongoing rape case involving D’banj: