A Nigerian man on Twitter has stirred a mild debate on the platform after he tweeted that when a woman doesn’t spend on you, it means she doesn’t like you.
The Nigerian man who goes by handle (@Danny_Walterr) wrote on his Twitter page:
“If she doesn’t spend on you then she doesn’t like you. Women have money.”
The one-sentence tweet generated tons of reactions on the Twitter app.
One person commented:
“What if she’s naturally stingy but loves me even more than who’s willing to spend lavishly on me?”.
A female agreeing to the post commented:
“I know how I usually spend on guys I like. When I was younger I would save up my food money just so I can get a gift for my crush on his birthday. Though I am wiser now to only spend on who likes me back. Can’t waste my money on a guy who does not care again.”